They are the disciples and Apostle of Jesus Christ who are prosecuted to death by Roman kings , of Nero reign , Jewish Christian finding them guilty of charges of
1 conversation of people from Judaism by the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ
2. missionary and charity works,
3 founders of number of churches,
4 For casting the demons out, saving the life of poor slave  and healing the  sick
5. Arising people from death and spent there life doing miracles not as god but as servants of god

The disciple followed Jesus from the profession of a fisherman , tax collector,, labours, royal family , carpenters  becoming the apostle of Jesus Christ and they had travelled to places all over the world major countries like Russia, Spain, Greece, Syria, Libya, Cyprus, Scotland Ethiopia, Brazil, India and become the parton saint of many countries and got buried in the churches , chapel in that place in modern years becoming a important pilgrimage center in their name in that place making the place with lot Christians .

The important 12 disciples of Jesus Christ are
1 Simon the St Peter
2  St James
3  St John
4 St Andrews
5 St Bartholomew or Nathaniel
6  st James the just (The brother of Christ)
7  st Judas the thief
8  st Jude or Thaddeus
9 st Mathew or Levi
10 St Philip
11 Simon the Zealot
12 St Thomas

The disciple are blessed and had the grace of God, his son, and holy spirit that redeemed on them to spread the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and to have the eternal life after death

They all are the Apostle of Christ who live in salvation by faith not by law of Judea  making them to speak to non Jews who follow the old traditional life and preach to them for a new life after conversion and speak for them against Judaism to gentiles who are not Jews

The message they share is God had sent Jesus Christ as the son of st Mary ,  Jesus Christ is Messiah , Jesus Christ is crucified and died for the sins of the rest of people and to forgive the sins benefiting all by the crucification and arises to heaven . Jesus Christ appeared to disciples by  Accented  and descented the holy spirit on them making them as apostle

Every disciple had laid the foundation of christian religion across nation expect st Judas who had betrayed Jesus Christ on the offering of the chief priest to show Jesus Christ to them for guilty of charging against the nation and he commit suicide . potters jar and burial place and the field of blood shows he made a deal by placing the pot that become his burial place .

The disciple relics are placed in important churches in Spain, Greece, Syria, Antioch, Cyrus as they are considered the first bishop of churches Rome, Jerusalem, Cyprus, Greece, Spain etc

The disciples called the sons of thunder who are the pillars of the church along with st Mary are the four evangelist st Paul, st James , st Peter , st  Mathew , st Luke

Even though Jesus Christ is founder of all churches build by the disciple  he had given the key to heaven to his fellow disciple peter meaning rock on him the churches are build and the churches made by the disciple is the house of God. What ever you bind on earth will be found on heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be losses in heaven

In the last supper Jesus when wash the feet of disciple , peter asked to wash and clean not only the feet but his head and hand

Before Jesus is arrested by the guards , peter cut of the guard ear who come forward to arrest the Jesus and later his ear is joined as Jesus touch the eat and healed

Peter deny Jesus three times making the rooster crowed making him sin and the sins is forgiven on Jesus crucification

St Mathew  build a tower with the power of tongue and  by the power of holy spirit speak in different language on Jesus Christ   and in the power of holy spirit he saved people from magician and evil spirits  that  fire flames from mouth.

St Paul end his life after five visits in Jerusalem and three missionary journey one with Barnabas and other two with Silas and was beheaded and his
 fall and pounded  three times touching the ground making water in those touching spot making st Paul the apostle of gentile as  three fountains

Luke who martyred is called as the historian doctor who left lot of letters, writing and painting of icon of Mary and Jesus  in which is told one of the icon painting st Thomas brought to India who is martyred in mylapur in chennai beach and his rites are taken to mesopotomia in 1968  by getting permittion    of maharaja , st Thomas build 7.5 churches in India . St Thomas touch the wounds of Jesus Christ on resurrection . St Thomas confession of faith is My Lord and My God . St Thomas is the only one for the assumption of St Mary to heaven . St Bartholomew or Nathanael also travelled to India at kalyan  Mumbai.

St john the disciple who had a natural death and he as a higher priest accompanied Jesus Christ till the crucification place along with St Mary  as per the Jesus told St john  takes care of St Mary after Jesus death. St john will see the second coming of Jesus Christ as in Nephilies

st James the just is the highest priest of Jerusalem who ruled Jerusalem churches for 30 years and Jesus appeared to James and   is given bread and said son of man arises as James  did not eat or drink till  Jesus arises after the last supper . St Paul who become blind for three days restore his vision after the bishop of Jerusalem touch his eyes  when he left Damascus to Jerusalem to prosecute disciple .

Holy spirit made Moses  water to flow from rock which means peter

Heavenly father who made miracles in arising  jairo daughter , making water to wine in cana marriage  making peter to walk on water , making peter and other catchers of men , making peter and other to get haul of fish by putting net in other direction , had made people to depend by  eat his flesh and blood for eternal life of joy, peace and happiness

Jesus Christ went to st Mathew house for feast and told the Pharisees and  tarsus that I cannot call the righteous but a sinner to repent

Jesus Christ  kept demons away telling he who is not against us is on our side separating demons

Christ is going away to prepare a heavenly home for his followers and that one day they would join him there . St Mathew says that Man had been driven out of the earthly  paradise , but by the birth of Christ all were called again to heavenly Paradise.
In modern world peace is not made by destruction of once religious Place , and Barnabas writes that roman who  who made instability in religious places and the prosecutor of disciple where the creator of more churches in today world  and as a saint he saved the devotees life from a falling mountains as the devotees are stopped from carry his statue due heavy weight

The martyrs of the Christian religion will be a eye opener for all religion who fight for the religious places and spread unrest in India and every where taking the life and blood of others for there sake and wishes

Christian churches hold feast days of Martyrs  disciple who pray for us in the heavenly ministry

Modern world and the image of the disputed God -:

In the modern world were religious values are manipulated and had no value  for many reason , the  violence I'm churches that is sin make the  place hounded . This is all happening due to ignorance of Salvation by faith and not by the law and god will forgive as it is a act of ignorance  named zeal

The Martyrs of India  is making India a great Nation and this  happen due to effort for peace

The unity of churches or religion  is important  and in the religious dispute  orthodox & yacobite church  dispute , it is important to reduce the division of churches  and by highlighting the St Paul teaching to men and. Churches as he is the Apostle of gentiles allowing them to enter Jewish church and second bishop of Jerusalem . It   is necessary to  the court ruling had to change by allowing all to enter church not yacobite in one church and orthodox in other church , The  bishops and leaders  of the yacobite and Jacobite orthodox had to a common consensus  allowing a  common mass to people by changing the prayers and kurbana that is applicable for both the group making a union of people in the mass and this way  can end the dispute rather than amenting the 1934 constitution of churches passed and making the disputed  churches to orthodox where yacobite are members of the same church  making the place not  holy  but  hounded and not  to find a solution  on religion name is not God fearing

The church rules should not divide people in the name of church and religion on the kurbana they  given  that  mass

In the modern world , individual , religion is far behind  when the unity  country comes first by making changes in 1945 ruling by joining religion of malankara in mutual understanding and a common consensus  between religion on disputes by taking care of all people in the church rather not allowing others  a church that were united once

God fearing bishop will not cheat god and his people in churches  is the kiss and the betrayal of Jesus Christ for the 30 silver coins .

The holy Martyrs  people are described as those who believe Jesus as The Son of the living God and  replied to peter - you are peter and on this rock I will build my church .

The  holy Martyrs disciple become the chief of Apostle, The Apostle & bishop of Jerusalem,  second bishop of Jerusalem, evangelist, Apostle of gentiles , to stop the evil by righteous by the return of Jesus  " God was pleased to reveal his son to me "

The holy Martyrs are  those who Neither like Judas will I betray you with a kiss , but like the thief  on the cross I will confess you

The budding faith of the Nero reign  made bloody  in Rome  by persecuting the Apostle inside the church , city and streets but the faith of the Apostle kept them secure  making  them in the inner circle of the church  where God is the head priest who  give his blood and was able to write the faith in the minds and not on the body as in inner circle of church there is no  other sacrifice made other than Gods  sacrifice by giving his own blood making Christian believers much ahead of other believers  where the foundation of religion is the God and  peter the rock and he is not  rock like Jesus  .

Jesus tell  "stop making my father's house a market place "and answered Tear down this temple and in three days I will build it again and he replied it has takes forty six  years to build this temple and this temple is the body and arising from death to his disciples  .All had to born again of water and the spirit for eternal life  and made Lazarus alive from his grave because he is the resurrection of life and those who believe in him will live , even though he dies and whoever lives and believe in me never dies.

 let us run with the determination the race that lies before us is the way of sins that had to be rid off by fixing the eye on Jesus as he died in  cross with no disgrace  neither give up because of cross because of the joy ahead and he is now seated at the right hand side of God's throne and the cross will show us a new way

The holy martyrs disciple had pleased God by sacrificing the life and died for us . they are sentenced to be punished by crucification , but they all do not want to be crucified similarly like Jesus Christ and they are crucified in X cross , up side down direction or thrown from the top of the church and died creating a large number of disciple across the world with miracle and surprise

Let complete the race in the way if sin with eyes fixed and with the power  of  cross  to overcome the sins and finish the race

Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the lamp Jesus Christ as in  earthly worship and heavenly workshop  the God who goes to the inner circle of the church hearing the pray of all and save their life and forgive  the sins on repenting  giving his body and blood proclaiming his death on crucification and those believers who consume the bread broken in pieces as holy body and the water sealed in cup as the blood memorize his death by crucification every time they consume

In the last supper in the bible , is on the night ,he was betrayed , took a piece of bread is my body which is for you all , and after the supper he took the cup and make it sealed with the blood as a new convenient is to memorise his death , proclaiming his death by the bible and to forgive the sins by repenting to the senior holy priest who give the holy mass in the church

In church today the workship and prayer mass do more harm than good due to many opposing groups in a church from inside and outside dishonouring the holiness in churches leading the closing of churching as last supper become a meal to them and not Willing to share with others bringing judgement on himself

As  God is one body and many parts and places every part arranged in order from apostle to teachers and there is no body if it is only one part .A loyal soldier if Jesus Christ is a soldier on active service wants to please his commanding officer and so does not mixed up in the affairs of civilian life, athlete runs under the rule , farmers good harvest on hard work  .

The sacrifice and death of Jesus by giving is blood is made to stop animal sacrifice and his blood in workship places and in churches in order to be purified the people from sin and to praise lord for the sacrifice to stop evil acts

Christ life had showed us that there is no permanent city for us here on earth and we are looking for a city or place   which is to come . it is necessary to  be good for others and help others because there is  sacrifice that please God not by body but by your soul .

The faith to got bring more miracles to every one . it is the faith that honour marriages as bride groom had faith in each other and if there is no faith between people in the church , the church stability in crisis resulting no God in between them .

Obey the rule of God for peaceful coexistence as religion should be used for priest and the people to do workshop and not to divide  creating opposing groups that is not  spiritual as there is earthly workshop that is traditional on animal sacrifice and money and heavenly workshop that is  lord doing the workshop for people to live in peace

The Spirituality is the spiritual relation to GOD and fellow human being . The spiritual life is the  spiritual relation to  people

The body with out the spirit is dead and so also faith without action is dead , and by faith god accepts them as righteous

Pray to god  and pray till God hears your prayer and gives the reply  and thankful to god for the gift in life  what ever he chooses right for everyone

St Mathew the tax collector become one of the 12 Disciple and apostle Jesus Christ is one of four evangelist of Jesus Christ and got Martyred in Ethiopia by hirtcaus king . st Mathew a winged man showing him as a evangelist who is able to speak in many language and had a hand of God for his gospel writing .
He was sworded down by the king soldier while praying in church and martyrs. He was a sinner as a tax collector from Hebrew people but his repentance give him new life .
He said Man has been driven out from the earthly paradise , but by Jesus birth all were called again to the heavenly paradise
He give his wealth in gold and silver for the construction of churches in Ethiopia, Judea, Rome, as a servant of Jesus Christ
He caste of the demons and magician by the power of the cross
He build a tower by the power of the tongue by speaking many language .
He saved women virgin Ephigena from the king
Hirtcaus guilty for not obeying his orders and had his life is not a sacrifice , but have mercy for all as he is a worshiper of Jesus Christ

Madam Graham Stuart James reacted to the loss of her husband and her children who were in India as a part of missionary work is that she had only mercy for those who burned his husband and two children alive inside a car as he is worshipper of Jesus Christ and had mercy to the killer not sacrifice of the family
